
Internal Error Codes

Internal Error Codes

Error codes reported by the functions of the library.

Value Name Description
 0 No Error Function executed correctly.
-1 Response Timeout Component has not received a valid response from the SMSC within time period defined by value of the ResponseTimeOut property of the component.
-2 Context Error Denotes situation in which component has detected incorrect usage of the function e.g. when InitializeSession is used before correct execution of the tcpConnect function or use of SubmitMessage function before correct execution of InitializeSession etc.
-3 NACK The SMSC has answered with generic form of negative response usually referred as NACK (Not ACKnowledged) response. Generally it means that some unexpected communication error has happened in communication between the client component and the SMSC.
-4 Network Error There was an unidentified network error while performing some internal operation.
-5 Parameter Error There was syntax error in one of the parameters supplied to a function call.
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