


Class SMSCserverCIMD2
Namespace smscs.CIMD2
Parent TComponent
Interfaces ISMSCserverCIMD2


cimd2InitializeServer Start listening to the incoming connections.
cimd2FinalizeServer Stop listening to the incoming connections.
tcpAcceptConnection Accept incomming connection.
tcpCloseConnection Close either incomming or existing connection.
tcpCloseAllConnections Closes all active connections maintained by the component.
cimd2SendRAW Send raw CIMD2 message.
cimd2SendLoginResponse Send response to the login message.
cimd2SendDeliverMessage Deliver message to the client.
cimd2SendDeliverStatusReport Deliver status report to the client.
cimd2SendSubmitMessageResponse Send response to a submitted message.


OnTcpConnected Event triggered on client connection on network protocol (TCP/IP) level.
OnTcpDisconnected Event triggered on client disconnection on network protocol (TCP/IP) level.
OnCimd2RAWReceived Event triggered on non interpreted (RAW) message receive.
OnCimd2LoginReceived Event triggered on receive of login message.
OnCimd2DeliverResponseReceived Event triggered on receive of a response to message delivered to the client.
OnCimd2SubmitMessageReceived Event triggered on receive of a message submitted by client.
OnCimd2SubmitMessageCompleted Event triggered when multipart message is reconstructed.
OnCimd2TraceProtocol Event triggered on every CIMD2 protocol message exchanged between component and the SMSC.


KeepAliveInterval Connection keep-alive timing.
ThrottleRate Message throttling limit parameter.



Start listening to the incoming connections.

int cimd2InitializeServer(string LocalHost, int LocalPort, string ExtendedParameters);


Either numeric or symbolic address of local interface that the component should listen on. In most cases should be set to the address of the local host e.g. "" or left empty to listen on all interfaces.
Port number on which the component should listen to the incoming connections.
Allows passing additional parameters to the function call. For the description and syntax of parameters that can be passed this way see Extended Parameters.


If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. Negative return value means Internal Error Code. Positive value means Network Error Code.

See Also

cimd2FinalizeServer, OnTcpConnected, tcpAcceptConnection, tcpCloseConnection


Stop listening to the incoming connections.

int cimd2FinalizeServer();


If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. Negative return value means Internal Error Code. Positive value means Network Error Code.

See Also



Accept incomming connection.

int tcpAcceptConnection(int ClientID);


Client connection identifier.


If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. Negative return value means Internal Error Code. Positive value means Network Error Code.

See Also

cimd2InitializeServer, tcpCloseConnection, OnTcpConnected


Close either incomming or existing connection.

int tcpCloseConnection(int ClientID);


Client connection identifier.


If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. Negative return value means Internal Error Code. Positive value means Network Error Code.

See Also

cimd2InitializeServer, OnTcpDisconnected


Closes all active connections maintained by the component.

void tcpCloseAllConnections();

See Also

tcpCloseConnection, OnTcpDisconnected


Send raw CIMD2 message.

int cimd2SendRAW(uint ClientID, uint TransactionNumber, uint OperationCode, string Payload);


Client connection identifier.
Transaction identifier.
CIMD2 command identifier.
Message binary data (except header) in hexadecimal form.


If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. Negative return value means Internal Error Code. Positive value means Network Error Code.

See Also



Send response to the login message.

int cimd2SendLoginResponse(uint ClientID, uint TransactionNumber, uint ErrorCode, string ErrorMessage);


Client connection identifier.
Transaction identifier.
Error Code as defined in CIMD2 Error Codes chapter Error Code section.
Readable error message returned to the client.


If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. Negative return value means Internal Error Code. Positive value means Network Error Code.

See Also



Deliver message to the client.

int cimd2SendDeliverMessage(uint ClientID, uint TransactionNumber, string Destination, string Originator, Widestring Content, EncodingEnum Encoding, string UserDataHeader, SubmitOption Options, DateTime TimeStamp, string ExtendedParameters, ref List< uint > TransactionNumbers);


Client connection identifier.
Transaction identifier.
Message recipient identifier. Usually this is mobile phone number in fully qualified format.
Message sender identifier. Usually this is is number of the SMSC's account (a short GSM number). This parameter can also be an alphanumeric string or general phone number where permitted.
The text or content of the message to be sent. The conversion of the characters transferred by parameter to the mobile infrastructure alphabet is done according to the value passed via Encoding parameter.
Decides on the which conversion is applied to the Content parameter to convert it to the character set supported by message. Accepted values, members of EncodingEnum type:
et7BitText Message is encoded using 7-bit GSM alphabet as in [03.38] (6.2).
et8BitHexadecimal Message contains binary data encoded in hexadecimal format. Each two hexadecimal digits encode one byte of data.
etUCS2Text Message contains Unicode character string encoded according to UCS2 coding.
etISO88591 Message encoded as Latin 1 (ISO-8859-1). Support for this encoding may depend on SMSC configuration.
etISO88595 Message encoded as Cyrllic (ISO-8859-5). Support for this encoding may depend on SMSC configuration.
etISO88598 Message encoded as Latin/Hebrew (ISO-8859-8). Support for this encoding may depend on SMSC configuration.
etWAPPushOrMMS WAP Push/MMS required encoding. Sets F5 (hex) as the Data Coding Scheme (DCS) value. Required by some SMSC providers.
User Data Header (UDH) for the message. The header must be passed as a byte string in hexadecimal format. For example: "06050415831583" is 7 bytes large header.
Options that can be set for message submitted as per SubmitOptionEnum type definition. It is possible to set more than one option by using the binary OR operator on the chosen option values. Accepted values:
soRequestStatusReport Request status report for the message.
soDirectDisplay Message will be sent as a Direct Display (FlashSMS) type message.
soDeliveryTimeRelative DeliveryTime is considered relative.
soDeliveryTimeAbsolute DeliveryTime is considered absolute.
soValidityPeriodRelative Validity period will be considered relative.
soValidityPeriodAbsolute Validity period will be considered absolute.
soMessageClass0 Message class will be set to 0.
soMessageClass1 Message class will be set to 1.
soMessageClass2 Message class will be set to 2.
soMessageClass3 Message class will be set to 3.
soZeroSMS Message will be delivered as "ZERO" SMS.
Time of the reception of the message by the SMSC.
Allows passing additional parameters to the function call. For the description and syntax of parameters that can be passed this way see Extended Parameters.
Identifier of the transaction with the SMSC. Allows matching the submission with return code provided by the OnUcpSubmitResponseAsyncReceived event.


If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. Negative return value means Internal Error Code. Positive value means Network Error Code.

See Also

OnCimd2DeliverResponseReceived, cimd2DeliverResponseReceivedEventArgs


Deliver status report to the client.

int cimd2SendDeliverStatusReport(int ClientID, int TransactionNumber, DateTime MessageTimeStamp, string Destination, int StatusCode, int StatusErrorCode, DateTime TimeStamp, string ExtendedParameters);


Client connection identifier.
Transaction identifier.
Time stamp which identifies message.
Message recipient identifier. Usually this is mobile phone number in fully qualified format.
See CIMD2 Error Codes chapter Status Code section for list of possible values.
If StatusCode indicates error this field carries reason code for the error. See CIMD2 Error Codes chapter Status Error Code section for list of possible values.
The time and date at which the short message reached it's final state.
Allows passing additional parameters to the function call. For the description and syntax of parameters that can be passed this way see Extended Parameters.


If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. Negative return value means Internal Error Code. Positive value means Network Error Code.

See Also

OnCimd2DeliverResponseReceived, cimd2DeliverResponseReceivedEventArgs


Send response to a submitted message.

int cimd2SendSubmitMessageResponse(uint ClientID, uint TransactionNumber, string Destination, DateTime TimeStamp, uint ErrorCode, string ErrorMessage);


Client connection identifier.
Transaction identifier.
Message recipient identifier. Usually this is mobile phone number in fully qualified format.
Time of the reception of the message by the SMSC.
Error Code as defined in CIMD2 Error Codes chapter Error Code section.
Readable error message returned to the client.


If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. Negative return value means Internal Error Code. Positive value means Network Error Code.

See Also




Event triggered on client connection on network protocol (TCP/IP) level.

public delegate void tcpConnectedEvent(TObject sender, tcpConnectedEventArgs e);


The event informs that a clietn has connected to the server. It is then up to the server logic to decide whether to accept or reject such connection. In response to the event either tcpAcceptConnection or tcpCloseConnection should be called inside the event code.



Object sending the event.


Object encapsulating event parameters.

int ClientID
Component can serve multiple client connections. Each connection has uniqe, numerical identifier. This identifier is used to send responses to received protocol messages and to send protocol messages to particular client. If the value returned by ClientID equals -1 then the connection to which event is reported has been disconnected prior to processing of the message.
string RemoteHost
IP address of the remote client that is about to connect to the server. In dotted numeric representation (e.g. "").
int RemotePort
Port number of the remote client that is about to connect to the server.

See Also

tcpConnectedEvent, tcpConnectedEventArgs, tcpAcceptConnection, tcpCloseConnection


Event triggered on client disconnection on network protocol (TCP/IP) level.

public delegate void tcpDisconnectedEvent(TObject sender, tcpDisconnectedEventArgs e);


The event informs about the tear down of connection between the component and the SMSC on the network layer level (TCP). Such situation may be due to disconnection by SMSC (as per the rules of protocol after the timeout of inactivity of the component, in the case when connection is not kept alive) and in the case of disconnection for other reasons concerning functioning of the network layer.



Object sending the event.


Object encapsulating event parameters.

int ClientID
Component can serve multiple client connections. Each connection has uniqe, numerical identifier. This identifier is used to send responses to received protocol messages and to send protocol messages to particular client. If the value returned by ClientID equals -1 then the connection to which event is reported has been disconnected prior to processing of the message.
int Reason
When the result is zero the connection has been disconnected by remote party. When the result is -1 then connection has been ended by the component itself, because inproperly formatted response has been received during the attempt to communicate with the remote party. Positive value means Network Error Code.

See Also

tcpDisconnectedEvent, tcpDisconnectedEventArgs


Event triggered on non interpreted (RAW) message receive.

public delegate void cimd2RAWReceivedEvent(TObject sender, cimd2RAWReceivedEventArgs e);


Event triggered on receive of a CIMD2 message that has not been decoded by any of the functionality serviced by the component.



Object sending the event.


Object encapsulating event parameters.

int ClientID
Component can serve multiple client connections. Each connection has uniqe, numerical identifier. This identifier is used to send responses to received protocol messages and to send protocol messages to particular client. If the value returned by ClientID equals -1 then the connection to which event is reported has been disconnected prior to processing of the message.
uint TransactionNumber
Identifier of the request/response sequence exchanged between CIMD2 client and server. Response should have the same Transaction Number as request. Transaction Numbers are generated independently by client and server and should be unique for each peer.
int Code
This field identifies the particular CIMD2 operation that is contained within the frame.
string Payload
Protocol frame (also referred as PDU, Protocol Data Unit) consists of header (which contains Transaction Number, Command ID and Command Status) and message data. This property contains message data part, without header, in hexadecimal representation (each two hexadecimal digits represent one byte of data).

See Also

cimd2RAWReceivedEvent, cimd2RAWReceivedEventArgs, cimd2SendRAW


Event triggered on receive of login message.

public delegate void cimd2LoginReceivedEvent(TObject sender, cimd2LoginReceivedEventArgs e);


The event informs that the client has issued login message. User can analyze login message credentials and other parameters and decide whether to accept or reject client's communication. In event handler cimd2SendLoginResponse should be called to pass response to the client.



Object sending the event.


Object encapsulating event parameters.

int ClientID
Component can serve multiple client connections. Each connection has uniqe, numerical identifier. This identifier is used to send responses to received protocol messages and to send protocol messages to particular client. If the value returned by ClientID equals -1 then the connection to which event is reported has been disconnected prior to processing of the message.
uint TransactionNumber
Identifier of the request/response sequence exchanged between CIMD2 client and server. Response should have the same Transaction Number as request. Transaction Numbers are generated independently by client and server and should be unique for each peer.
string UserIdentity
string Password

See Also

cimd2LoginReceivedEvent, cimd2LoginReceivedEventArgs, cimd2SendLoginResponse


Event triggered on receive of a response to message delivered to the client.

public delegate void cimd2DeliverResponseReceivedEvent(TObject sender, cimd2DeliverResponseReceivedEventArgs e);


The event informs that the client has confirmed a message delivered. The same event is fired for both a message and status report. To which message is this confirmation can be determined by SequenceNumber parameter.



Object sending the event.


Object encapsulating event parameters.

int ClientID
Component can serve multiple client connections. Each connection has uniqe, numerical identifier. This identifier is used to send responses to received protocol messages and to send protocol messages to particular client. If the value returned by ClientID equals -1 then the connection to which event is reported has been disconnected prior to processing of the message.
uint TransactionNumber
Identifier of the request/response sequence exchanged between CIMD2 client and server. Response should have the same Transaction Number as request. Transaction Numbers are generated independently by client and server and should be unique for each peer.
uint ErrorCode
Error Code as defined in CIMD2 Error Codes chapter Error Code.

See Also

cimd2DeliverResponseReceivedEvent, cimd2DeliverResponseReceivedEventArgs


Event triggered on receive of a message submitted by client.

public delegate void cimd2SubmitMessageReceivedEvent(TObject sender, cimd2SubmitMessageReceivedEventArgs e);


The event informs that the client has submitted a message to the server. Either cimd2SendSubmitMessageResponse should be called to pass response to the client.


int ClientID
Component can serve multiple client connections. Each connection has uniqe, numerical identifier. This identifier is used to send responses to received protocol messages and to send protocol messages to particular client. If the value returned by ClientID equals -1 then the connection to which event is reported has been disconnected prior to processing of the message.
uint TransactionNumber
Identifier of the request/response sequence exchanged between CIMD2 client and server. Response should have the same Transaction Number as request. Transaction Numbers are generated independently by client and server and should be unique for each peer.
string Destination
Usually this is mobile phone number in canonical format.
string Originator
Usually this is is number of the SMSC's account (a short GSM number). This parameter can also be an alphanumeric string or phone number.
string Content
This can be ASCII characters string or hexadecimally encoded binary content.
EncodingEnum Encoding
Possible values as per EncodingEnum type definition.
SubmitOption Options
Options that can be set to submitted message as per SubmitOptionEnum type definition. More than one option can be set at the same time by using the OR operator on selected option values.
string UserDataHeader
If the message received contains the User Data Header (UDH), it will be returned in this field as hexadecimally encoded binary content, for example: "06050415831583". If the message does not have UDH empty string is returned.
DateTime DeliveryTime
Contains the message delivery time. Works according to Options parameter. If Options parameter contains the flag soDeliveryTimeRelative then the delivery time is considered relative to the time when message was submitted to the SMSC. If the Options parameter contains the flag soDeliveryTimeAbsolute then the delivery time is considered absolute in the machine local time zone.
DateTime ValidityPeriod
Contains the message validity time. Works according to Options parameter. If Options parameter contains the flag soValidityPeriodRelative then the message validity time is considered relative to the submission to the SMSC. If Options parameter contains the flag soValidityPeriodAbsolute then the message validity time is considered absolute in the machine local time zone. If both options are specified absolute time is set. When set as relative the time the maximum period is 31 days. Anything above wil be shortened to 31 days.
string ExtendedParameters
Allows to retrieve the additional parameters from the message received. For the description and syntax of parameters that can be retreived this way see Extended Parameters.

See Also

cimd2SubmitMessageReceivedEvent, cimd2SubmitMessageReceivedEventArgs, cimd2SendSubmitMessageResponse


Event triggered when multipart message is reconstructed.

public delegate void cimd2SubmitMessageCompletedEvent(TObject sender, cimd2SubmitMessageCompletedEventArgs e);


The event informs that the client has submitted a message which either completes a multipart message or does not need completition.


int ClientID
Component can serve multiple client connections. Each connection has uniqe, numerical identifier. This identifier is used to send responses to Completed protocol messages and to send protocol messages to particular client. If the value returned by ClientID equals -1 then the connection to which event is reported has been disconnected prior to processing of the message.
uint TransactionNumber
Identifier of the request/response sequence exchanged between CIMD2 client and server. Response should have the same Transaction Number as request. Transaction Numbers are generated independently by client and server and should be unique for each peer.
string Destination
Usually this is mobile phone number in canonical format.
string Originator
Usually this is is number of the SMSC's account (a short GSM number). This parameter can also be an alphanumeric string or phone number.
string Content
This can be ASCII characters string or hexadecimally encoded binary content.
EncodingEnum Encoding
Possible values as per EncodingEnum type definition.
SubmitOption Options
Options that can be set to submitted message as per SubmitOptionEnum type definition. More than one option can be set at the same time by using the OR operator on selected option values.
string UserDataHeader
If the message Completed contains the User Data Header (UDH), it will be returned in this field as hexadecimally encoded binary content, for example: "06050415831583". If the message does not have UDH empty string is returned.
DateTime DeliveryTime
Contains the message delivery time. Works according to Options parameter. If Options parameter contains the flag soDeliveryTimeRelative then the delivery time is considered relative to the time when message was submitted to the SMSC. If the Options parameter contains the flag soDeliveryTimeAbsolute then the delivery time is considered absolute in the machine local time zone.
DateTime ValidityPeriod
Contains the message validity time. Works according to Options parameter. If Options parameter contains the flag soValidityPeriodRelative then the message validity time is considered relative to the submission to the SMSC. If Options parameter contains the flag soValidityPeriodAbsolute then the message validity time is considered absolute in the machine local time zone. If both options are specified absolute time is set. When set as relative the time the maximum period is 31 days. Anything above wil be shortened to 31 days.
string ExtendedParameters
Allows to retrieve the additional parameters from the message Completed. For the description and syntax of parameters that can be retreived this way see Extended Parameters.
<> List TimeStamps
Message TimeStamp(s) returned to the SMSC for the messages that form the completed message. They should be used to later deliver Status Reports using ucpSendDeliverStatusReport.

See Also

OnSubmitMessageCompleted, cimd2SubmitMessageCompletedEventArgs


Event triggered on every CIMD2 protocol message exchanged between component and the SMSC.

public delegate void cimd2TraceProtocolCallback(TObject Sender, cimd2TraceProtocolCallbackArgs e);


This event allows to log all messages exchanged on the CIMD2 protocol level between the component and the SMSC. Protocol messages are passed as hexadecimally encoded Protocol Data Units (PDU) which is exact binary representation of protocol message.


int ClientID
Component can serve multiple client connections. Each connection has uniqe, numerical identifier. This identifier is used to send responses to Completed protocol messages and to send protocol messages to particular client. If the value returned by ClientID equals -1 then the connection to which event is reported has been disconnected prior to processing of the message.
string FromAddress
Colon separated IP address and port number (IP:Port).
string ToAddress
Colon separated IP address and port number (IP:Port).
int Operation
This field identifies type of particular CIMD2 message which indicates what operation data is contained within Protocol Data Unit (PDU).
int OperationType
Identifier of the request/response sequence exchanged between CIMD2 client and server.
string PDU
Protocol Data Unit (PDU) message data in hexadecimal representation (each two hexadecimal digits represent one byte of data).

See Also

cimd2TraceProtocolCallbackArgs, cimd2TraceProtocolCallback



Connection keep-alive timing.

public int KeepAliveInterval { get; set; }


Value in seconds denoting time interval between packages keeping the connection alive in case no other packages are exchanged with the SMSC. It should be set according to the SMSC operator's instructions and the speed of Internet connection between the component and the SMSC. Typically, this value amounts to one third of the time after which the SMSC breaks the connection in case of lack of activity. When set to zero keep alive packets are never sent to the SMSC.


Message throttling limit parameter.

public int ThrottleRate { get; set; }


Determines maximum rate of messages submitted to the SMSC per second. If set to any value above 0 component counts number of messages submitted and limits the rate by waiting appropriate time inside cimd2SendDeliverMessage, cimd2SendDeliverStatusReport, ref cimd2SendSubmitMessageResponse functions. If the value is set to zero component does not limit the rate of delivered messages.

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